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[Windows Develop源代码-高源

Description: 包括10个源码:1 令系统托盘(提示区/Sys tray)中的图标显示气泡提示框(Tool Tip)的代码 2 软盘格式化程序 3 一个虚拟驱动盘映射器 4 这个软件可以得到大多数的“高级”系统信息,比如系统缓存的密码、PROXY设置、网卡MAC等 5 用过Flashget和网络蚂蚁的朋友应该知道在IE中右击右击菜单有使用(xxxxx)下载.本代码就实现此功能。可以获取在网页中选择的文本,链接 地址,图片. 6 引起轰动的源码,能在视窗里每一个窗口最小化按钮旁加一个新按钮,这个新按钮的功能是将窗口最小化到系统状态栏,强烈推荐!!! 7 一个系统程序,可以察看系统中当前窗口的局柄等信息,可以察看系统窗口,例如任务栏、开始按钮。可以通过鼠标移动察看光标位置下的 窗口的信息 8 通过Winsock实现的Web服务器程序,目前只支持html格式,如ASP,CGI等可能自己扩展,通过此程序可以学习掌握Winsock控件的使用,多用户的考虑 9 一个可以获得Windows可执行文件(Portable Executable File)的文件头信息的程序 10 可以放大部分图片, 象放大镜.-including 10 Source : Order a system tray (Hint / AB tray), the icon shows bubble boxes (Tool Tip) 2 floppy disk formatting code procedures 3 a virtual disk drive mapping for the four software can be the most "advanced" system information, such as the password caching system, PROXY setup, MAC used five Flashget and network ant friends should know that the IE right-click a right-click menu use (xxxxx). The code on the realization of this function. Can be obtained on the website, select the text link address, and pictures. 6 caused a stir source code, Windows Lane in every one of the smallest window button side a new button, This new button's function is to minimize the window to the system status bar, and strongly recommended! ! ! 7 a system procedures, the system can see the
Platform: | Size: 433289 | Author: none | Hits:


Description: Samples illustrating the various Winsock I/O models under the following directories: blocking Illustrates the blocking sockets model. This includes blocking client and server samples. nonblocking Illustrates the non-blocking socket model using the select API. Only a server sample is provided. WSAAsyncSelect Illustrates the WSAAsyncSelect socket model. Only a server sample is provided. WSAEventSelect Illustrates the WSAEventSelect socket model. Only a server sample is provided. overlapped Illustrates the overlapped IO model using events.Only a server sample is provided. iocp Illustrates overlapped IO using an IO comletion port.Both a client and server sample are provided.
Platform: | Size: 79158 | Author: Janferry | Hits:


Description: 用于大量socket连接时使用IOCP捕获连接关闭事件以便释放资源的程序。可以解决winsock的AsyncSelect对句柄个数的限制问题- Uses in when the massive socket connection uses IOCP to catch the connection closure event in order to release resources procedure. May solve the winsock AsyncSelect 瀵瑰彞 handle integer limit problem
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Windows Develop源代码-高源

Description: 包括10个源码:1 令系统托盘(提示区/Sys tray)中的图标显示气泡提示框(Tool Tip)的代码 2 软盘格式化程序 3 一个虚拟驱动盘映射器 4 这个软件可以得到大多数的“高级”系统信息,比如系统缓存的密码、PROXY设置、网卡MAC等 5 用过Flashget和网络蚂蚁的朋友应该知道在IE中右击右击菜单有使用(xxxxx)下载.本代码就实现此功能。可以获取在网页中选择的文本,链接 地址,图片. 6 引起轰动的源码,能在视窗里每一个窗口最小化按钮旁加一个新按钮,这个新按钮的功能是将窗口最小化到系统状态栏,强烈推荐!!! 7 一个系统程序,可以察看系统中当前窗口的局柄等信息,可以察看系统窗口,例如任务栏、开始按钮。可以通过鼠标移动察看光标位置下的 窗口的信息 8 通过Winsock实现的Web服务器程序,目前只支持html格式,如ASP,CGI等可能自己扩展,通过此程序可以学习掌握Winsock控件的使用,多用户的考虑 9 一个可以获得Windows可执行文件(Portable Executable File)的文件头信息的程序 10 可以放大部分图片, 象放大镜.-including 10 Source : Order a system tray (Hint/AB tray), the icon shows bubble boxes (Tool Tip) 2 floppy disk formatting code procedures 3 a virtual disk drive mapping for the four software can be the most "advanced" system information, such as the password caching system, PROXY setup, MAC used five Flashget and network ant friends should know that the IE right-click a right-click menu use (xxxxx). The code on the realization of this function. Can be obtained on the website, select the text link address, and pictures. 6 caused a stir source code, Windows Lane in every one of the smallest window button side a new button, This new button's function is to minimize the window to the system status bar, and strongly recommended! ! ! 7 a system procedures, the system can see the
Platform: | Size: 433152 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWinsock2完成端口的开发

Description: 这是一个用Winsock2编写的完成端口游戏实例,完成端口为实现大规模游戏开发提供了一种新的思路。-It is an Winsock2 example in which port game is finished. Finishing port provides a new idea for realizing cosmical game development.
Platform: | Size: 515072 | Author: 冯波 | Hits:

[Static controlHikPlaySrv

Description: Winsocket DLL 封装,该类是SOCKET通讯综合模型,该类完成后将包装各种SOCKET通讯模式(阻塞select,异步窗口,异步事件,重叠I/O,完成I/O)等.它可以被各种通讯程序方便采用.尤其是基于SERVER/CLIENT的SERVER程序会提高大幅度性能.如果使用人要完成特定的通讯功能可以从该类继承,增加对线程池的支持功能。-Winsocket DLL package, such communication is SOCKET integrated model, such completion, will repackage the mode of communication SOCKET (blocking select, asynchronous window, asynchronous events, overlapping I/O, complete I/O). It can be convenient communications procedures used. In particular, based on SERVER/CLIENT SERVER the procedures significantly improve performance. If people use to accomplish specific communication from such succession, increasing the pool of threads support.
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 江苏 | Hits:


Description: winsock异步选择模型的服务器端程序,最多可以接受64个客户端连接-asynchronous protocols of choice model of server-side procedures, can accept up to 64 client
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: lish | Hits:


Description: 使用select模型进行网络编程的例子,使用标准c编程,移植性能好,是最基本的网络模型-Select model using the example of network programming, using the standard c programming, transplant performance and is the most basic network model
Platform: | Size: 1169408 | Author: 旺旺 | Hits:


Description: WinSock Win32 API 的打包类和例子程序 < WinSock > winSocket/winSocketEx: 如果你正在Windows环境中用C++编写TCP/IP网络程序,那么使用这个打包类吧,我想它不会让你失望的。winSocket几乎封装了编写TCP/IP网络应用程序所需的所有内容,winSocketEx加入了对SOCKS 4/5代理服务器的支持。使得在自己的程序中加入代理支持易如反掌。这个打包类支持的特性包括:Connect、Send、Receive、Close、Listen、Bind、Accept、asyncSelect、get_LocalHost、get_LocalPort、get_RemoteHost、get_RemotePort等等。 [代码性质] VC可重用代码段 [代码作者] ryan [文件大小] 53K 声明:转自其他网站 -WinSock Win32 API categories and examples of the packing process <WinSock> winSocket/winSocketEx: If you are using Windows environment C++ Prepared TCP/IP network program, then use this type of packing, I think it will not let you disappointed . WinSocket almost encapsulates the preparation of TCP/IP network applications all the necessary elements, winSocketEx adding a SOCKS 4/5 proxy server support. Making procedures in their own easy to add agent support. This type of support package features include: Connect, Send, Receive, Close, Listen, Bind, Accept, asyncSelect, get_LocalHost, get_LocalPort, get_RemoteHost, get_RemotePort and so on. [Character code] VC reusable code segment [code author] ryan [size] 53K statement: Transfer from other sites
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 邓影 | Hits:


Description: 网络编程,实现三种Winsocket I/O模型:select、基于事件、基于消息-Network programming, to achieve three Winsocket I/O model: select, based on the incident, based on the information
Platform: | Size: 177152 | Author: 丁锐 | Hits:


Description: Samples illustrating the various Winsock I/O models under the following directories: blocking Illustrates the blocking sockets model. This includes blocking client and server samples. nonblocking Illustrates the non-blocking socket model using the select API. Only a server sample is provided. WSAAsyncSelect Illustrates the WSAAsyncSelect socket model. Only a server sample is provided. WSAEventSelect Illustrates the WSAEventSelect socket model. Only a server sample is provided. overlapped Illustrates the overlapped IO model using events.Only a server sample is provided. iocp Illustrates overlapped IO using an IO comletion port.Both a client and server sample are provided.
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: Janferry | Hits:


Description: TCP网络调试程序与程序源码 可以用来进行TCP通信的调试,程序包含了TCP服务器和客户端两个部分。 TCP服务器可以在指定的端口进行监听,并同时最多处理100个连接。实时显示每个连接发送过来的数据,并且可以手工选择需要对哪个连接回送数据,或者是断开某个连接。 TCP客户端可以对某个IP(或者直接输入域名)的端口进行连接,实时显示已经连接的服务器发送的信息,可以手动输入需要发送到服务器的内容。 主要就是用了winsock的一些函数进行封装。 源码中包含了用VC与EVC编译的源码-TCP network source debugger and procedures can be used for debugging TCP communications, the program includes a TCP server and client in two parts. TCP server port can be designated to monitor and at the same time deal with a maximum of 100 connections. Real-time display of each connection send data and can manually select which connections need to return data, or disconnect a connection. TCP client can be on a certain IP (or directly enter the domain name) to connect the port, real-time display has been connected to the server send the information, you can manually enter the need to send content to the server. Is mainly spent some function winsock package. Source code is included with VC compiler source with EVC
Platform: | Size: 113664 | Author: robotlee2002 | Hits:


Description: 本课程主要讲Windows中TCP/IP编程接口Winsock,通过Winsock可实现点对点或广播通信程序,实际这两者之间的区别不大,编程时其程序流程所用代码几乎相同,不同的地方在于目标地址选择的不同-This course is mainly to talk about Windows in the TCP/IP programming interface Winsock, through Winsock to achieve point-to-point or broadcast communication program, the actual difference between these two little programming process of the procedures used in almost the same code, different Select destination address is that the different
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: qxf | Hits:


Description: socket编程。winsock编程实现网络通信。 非阻塞模式实现面向连接一个服务器和多个客户端的收发数据(select模型) 阻塞模式实现面向无连接的一对一的通信 1.学习通过winsock编程实现网络通信。 2.学习面向连接和面向无连接的网络通讯方式的编程。 3.学习阻塞和非阻塞模式的网络通讯的编程。 4.熟悉与winsock有关的API函数的用法。 -socket programming. winsock network communications programming implementation. Non-blocking mode of connection-oriented implementation of a server and multiple client to send and receive data (select models) for non-blocking mode of communication to connect one-on-one 1. Learn through winsock network communications programming implementation. 2. Study connection-oriented and connectionless-oriented network communication programming. 3. Learn obstructive and non-blocking mode of network communication programming. 4. Familiar with winsock related to the usage of API functions.
Platform: | Size: 7334912 | Author: qingangjun | Hits:


Description: 都是采用 多线程 Select 模型 自己封状的 winsock api类-And are based on multi-threaded closure Select model their category like winsock api
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: cenin | Hits:

[Windows Develop348

Description: 利用WinSock异步选择模型,通过发送消息,实现了注销、关闭、重启、隐藏桌面、显示桌面的控制。-Using WinSock asynchronous Select model by sending messages to achieve a write-off, shut down, restart, hide desktop, show desktop control.
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: zhangzl | Hits:


Description: 一个网络通信开发库示例源码,封装了TCP和UDP的socket函数,封装了完成端口、WSAEventSelect、select等3种winsock I/O模型,并结合线程池+内存池模式,支持高并发。 -Example of a network communications development library source code, TCP and UDP encapsulates the socket function, encapsulates the completion port, WSAEventSelect, select, etc. 3 winsock I/O model, and the thread pool+ memory pool model to support high-concurrency.
Platform: | Size: 2081792 | Author: 李海 | Hits:


Description: 局域网聊天室 Server Client 都是采用 多线程 Select 模型 自己封状的 winsock api类-LAN chat rooms Server are Are using multithreading the Select models of sealing shape winsock API classes
Platform: | Size: 159744 | Author: duke | Hits:


Description: Winsock2网络编程。客户端和服务端通信的代码。使用select模型-Winsock2 Network programming. Client and server communication code. Use of select models
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: Vincent | Hits:


Description: winsock非阻塞(异步)通信中的select端口模式的demo-winsock select non-blocking (asynchronous) communications port mode demo
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: baiyuntao | Hits:
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